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Dailymotion & Monrif S.p.A announce global video technology partnership

Dailymotion, the leading video technology provider has announced a strategic partnership with Monrif S.p.A, one of the largest national, regional and local multimedia organisations in Italy. This partnership enables Monrif S.p.A to maximize video yield while minimizing overall inefficiencies and costs.   

With its mission to pursue the digital development strategy, the group has fully integrated Dailymotion’s video solution across its properties. Having 25+ millions monthly visits, its flagship brands include Il Quotidiano Nazionale, Il Giorno, La Nazione, Il Resto del Carlino, and Il Telegrafo.   

The technology package includes a robust white-label video player, a set of user engagement features, and digital ad tech services at no cost.  In addition, Dailymotion will bring Monrif S.p.A additional revenue by monetizing videos that it hasn’t fully monetized. In a market that is fragmented with Subscription-based models, Dailymotion’s business model aligns perfectly with Monrif S.p.A’s mission to accelerate the digital innovations that improve video yield and audience engagement.   

Dailymotion is best known for its player technology and video discovery platform for media groups across the globe. Its major partners include l’Equipe, BeIN SPORTS, Kicker, Le Monde, JPI Media, One India, and many others. In France, 90% of the media use the Dailymotion player to distribute and monetize their videos. Expanding its footprint globally, Dailymotion aims to keep deploying this player strategy in Italy.  

Stephane Godin, as Chief Content Officer of Dailymotion announced:   

“We are pleased and proud of the trust placed in us by a recognized leader such as the Monrif S.p.A group, offering brands such as Quotidiano Nazionale a technology that is particularly appreciated by the Italian public today. This partnership reflects our ambition to deliver the best audience experience and maximize video monetization for premium publishers in Italy. We are setting ourselves new challenges every day to reach new future goals by constantly improving our products to maximize video impact. Today we look to this future in Italy with the aim that this new agreement with Monrif S.p.A is only the beginning of a long and solid collaboration”.  

Sara Riffeser Monti, as Vice Chairman of Monrif S.p.A group announced:   

“We are glad to announce our partnership with Dailymotion, that we consider a key player to build an innovative video experience for users on our newsbrand and a strategic step on our digital transformation roadmap. Through Dailymotion player we are now able to offer a fluid visualization on any device, any bandwidth and to scale quickly not only streamings, but also qualitative kpi’s as completion rate and vtr, good for a strong monetization.”


Dailymotion 和 Monrif S.p.A 宣布全球視頻技術合作夥伴關係

領先的視頻技術提供商 Dailymotion 宣布與 Monrif S.p.A 建立戰略合作夥伴關係,Monrif S.p.A 是意大利最大的國家、地區和地方多媒體組織之一。這種合作夥伴關係使 Monrif S.p.A 能夠最大限度地提高視頻產量,同時最大限度地降低整體效率和成本。

憑藉追求數字化發展戰略的使命,該集團已將 Dailymotion 的視頻解決方案完全集成到其資產中。每月訪問量超過 25 百萬次,其旗艦品牌包括 Il Quotidiano Nazionale、Il Giorno、La Nazione、Il Resto del Carlino 和 Il Telegrafo。

該技術包包括一個強大的白標視頻播放器、一組用戶參與功能和免費的數字廣告技術服務。此外,Dailymotion 將通過將尚未完全貨幣化的視頻貨幣化為 Monrif S.p.A 帶來額外收入。在一個基於訂閱模式的分散市場中,Dailymotion 的商業模式與 Monrif S.p.A 的使命完美契合,即加速數字創新以提高視頻產量和觀眾參與度。

Dailymotion 以其播放器技術和麵向全球媒體集團的視頻發現平台而聞名。其主要合作夥伴包括 l'Equipe、BeIN SPORTS、Kicker、Le Monde、JPI Media、One India 等。在法國,90% 的媒體使用 Dailymotion 播放器分發他們的視頻並從中獲利。 Dailymotion 在全球範圍內擴大其足跡,旨在繼續在意大利部署這一玩家戰略。

Dailymotion 的首席內容官 Stephane Godin 宣布:

“我們為 Monrif S.p.A 集團等知名領導者對我們的信任感到高興和自豪,他們為 Quotidiano Nazionale 等品牌提供當今意大利公眾特別讚賞的技術。這種合作夥伴關係反映了我們為意大利的優質發行商提供最佳觀眾體驗和最大化視頻貨幣化的雄心。我們每天都在為自己設定新的挑戰,通過不斷改進我們的產品以最大限度地提高視頻影響力,從而實現新的未來目標。今天,我們展望意大利的未來,目標是與 Monrif S.p.A 的新協議只是長期穩固合作的開始。”

Monrif S.p.A 集團副主席 Sara Riffeser Monti 宣布:

“我們很高興宣布與 Dailymotion 建立合作夥伴關係,我們認為這是為我們的新聞品牌用戶打造創新視頻體驗的關鍵參與者,也是我們數字化轉型路線圖的戰略步驟。通過 Dailymotion 播放器,我們現在能夠在任何設備、任何帶寬上提供流暢的可視化效果,不僅可以快速擴展流媒體,還可以快速擴展定性 kpi,如完成率和 vtr,從而實現強大的貨幣化。”

Dailymotion strengthens its content offer worldwide with Webedia brands

Dailymotion announces the deployment of a strategic partnership with Webedia, publisher of leading digital brands in the entertainment industry. The media group will join the leading French video audience in 2021*, by integrating its media content on the video streaming platform, and by progressively deploying the Dailymotion Player on all its sites and applications worldwide.

Webedia is thus strengthening Dailymotion’s video catalog with content dedicated to cinema, video games, cooking, pop culture and entertainment in several European countries, including France (Purepeople, Puremédias, Purecharts, 750g, MGG… ), Germany (Moviepilot…) and Spain (Xataka, 3D Juegos, Directo al Paladar…), and in South America (Xataka Mexico, Directo al Paladar Mexico, and soon new sites in Brazil). Webedia’s premium editorial brands and international audience will allow Dailymotion to develop its coverage in these territories.

“This partnership with Dailymotion is part of a movement of video ‘platformization’ on our sites, with a triple objective: to centralize the technology and functionalities linked to the Player, to develop our audiences, and to optimize the monetization of our content. New sites of the Group will integrate the platform in the coming months” explains Antoine Meunier, Director of Publishing, Communication and Marketing at Webedia.

“Today, Dailymotion is the video player for nearly 90% of media sites in France,” adds Stéphane Godin, Chief Content Officer at Dailymotion. “By integrating content from Webedia Group sites, we are completing our network of premium publishers and offering our users an even richer and more diverse range of content.

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